Can you practice Yoga purely as a form of sport, without believing in its system of values?

Yoga is not a belief system, yogi is not a believer, yogi is a seeker. We start our yoga journey at different points and circumstances in our life, very often interested in purely physical results. But this is where the power of yoga is, it is a path of seeking and discovering. When you’re constantly […]
Cultural appropriation of Yoga

Can we use the yoga practice here in the west, meaning western, white culture in a way that respects the tradition, the deep meaning and roots of yoga? I guess cultural appropriation is inevitable in today’s world, it times of free and easy travel, free and instant exchange of information. There is so much variety […]
Online Live Yoga Sessions

Current situation is quite unusual and will be affecting more and more of us this way or another.I truly believe we need to have a practice, rituals that help us to stay sane in times of challenges and uncertainty.As I continue my own yoga and meditation practice daily, I’m also doing what I can to […]
How was it in Poland?

In May we spend time practising yoga and relaxing in this magical place in the mountains. It was fantastic, wonderful place, great people, lovely weather, delicious food.But as they say, images speak the thousand words, so I’ll leave you with this video capturing some moments of our stay in Poland. Also some still images available […]
Who Needs a Retreat?

I have been wanting to do this for a while. Thinking about how I want it to be, where and when I want it to happen. I didn’t rush the process, I allowed the opportunity and answers to unfold when the time is right. And so the day has come to invite you all to […]
Acknowledge your emotions

Being a yogi may not mean you’re always blissful. In your life journey there will be dark moments, when old emotions are triggered, let them come. Don’t ignore them as what you resist persists. Acknowledge what is happening, give yourself permission to be vulnerable, to cry or laugh… express your emotions and allow yourself to […]
What Is Yoga? – video

Yoga… can be experienced in so many ways… manifested in so many gestures (postures)….. described in so many different words ?What is yoga to you?
Black & White Yoga

Have a look at these amazing yoga pics taken in our studio @The Boathouse in Barking. Chosing black and white was an excellent choice Mr Shamack ? Perfect balance between darkness and light… warm and cold… Sun and Moon, active and passive… it all comes down to YOGA ? Check the whole photo-session HERE.
Not to Worry

This is a hard time of year for me, always has been. Christmas fever is over, New Year has started and lots of expectations, plans came with it. It would be perfect if they all came true, wouldn’t it? I’m good in talking about plans but not in bringing them to life. Because what’s coming […]
last Beginners Course this year

Hi Everyone, I probably shouldn’t be saying that Christmas is round the corner yet, but I feel that time runs faster and faster every year. So before our life gets really hectic in December let’s see if we can do something to prepare for all the stress that sometimes comes with Christmas preparations, shopping, the […]