Strong Core – video

This is a short yoga sequence focusing on the core. Rectus abdominus, transverse abdominus, external and internal obliques serve a very important purpose in all types of movements. Strong core also means healthy spine. So hop on the mat, move with awareness and connect with your breath. Enjoy your practice, enjoy your body ?
Between Pushing and Letting Go

‘Yoga is a dance between control and surrender – between pushing and letting go – and when to push and when to let go becomes part of the creative process, part of the open-ended exploration of your being.’ Joel Kramer Do you feel that you’ve tried everything and it’s still not working? I feel like […]
To stay inspired and keep practising

Hi Friends, Since I started discovering yoga I’ve been constantly looking for guidance and some inspiration to keep me motivated and on track.I’ve noticed certain benefits of yoga after few weeks or months of practice, such as less pain in my lower back, deeper breathing and calmer mind. It was the best motivation to keep […]
Something about relationships

Tt’s been 18 years last weekend since my first date with my life companion ?to celebrate this impressive number we spend a long weekend in nature, camping, enjoying the Sun, picturesque mountains, cold rivers… which is what we both love…I feel privileged to have this long relationship experience, I feel lucky to see us change […]
Strong Upper Body – video

Flexibility or strength? Which is your main challenge on a yoga mat?For me it was always the second. I remember my first few months of yoga practice when I couldn’t understand how people were able to come to chaturanga dandasana (four-limbed staff pose) without collapsing on their faces. I wish I’d recorded my whole journey […]
Happy and healthy spine – video

Another short video to help you in your home practice. Let’s think about our spine more often, not only when it hurts. Let’s get into the habit of moving it regularly. Few minutes a day will do, either in the morning to awaken the body or in the evening to stretch the back after the […]
Our Studio for Yoga and Gong sessions in Barking

Our Barking classes are taking place @ The Boathouse Studios, The Malthouse, Abbey Road, Barking, IG11 7BT. This spacious and quiet studio at the Roding River is a perfect place for our yoga and sound healing sessions.Only 10 minutes walk from Barking station.If you’re driving parking is available on weekends and from 18:00 on weekdays. […]
15 minutes morning yoga practice – video

By the request of some of my students here is a gentle 15min morning vinyasa yoga sequence to start your day and get the juices flowing ? This is a gentle yoga practice for all levels, take it easy, tune into your body, into your breath, notice how you feel and let your breath and […]
Sun Salutation for Beginners – video

This is a simple sequence of yoga poses that anyone can do. You don’t have to be experienced, you don’t have to be young, fit or flexible to try it. And you can really benefit from 10-15 min of regular yoga practice. Keep your knees soft if you’re new to the practice, try engaging your […]
Stop the glorification of busy

One of the things that hits you when you come to live in Western society is that saying ‘I’m busy’ is something people expect you to say if you’re a working professional. It almost raises your social status. Some of you know my work experience and that I’ve been in a corporate financial world for […]