Yoga in Hackney Downs at The Well Garden

Great news ? I’ve started teaching yoga in Hackney Downs @ The Well Garden, East London. Every Tuesday 8:30 – 9:30 am and every Thursday 13:15 – 14:00. The Well Garden Studio is a wonderful environment to give you a place of tranquility to take time for yourself; to release your body and mind from […]
Yoga in Forest Hill

Yoga in Forest Hill at MindBody Therapy Centre, South London.I had an interesting conversation last week with Devon Burke, the owner and therapist of MindBody Therapy Centre in Forest Hill, South London where I teach yoga every Tuesday. We were talking about various treatments and classes this place has to offer and will offer in […]
Yoga in Barking – Benita Yoga teacher at The BoatHouse Barking

I can’t believe it’s been a year already since I started teaching yoga in Barking.Last year I joined The Bath House in Barking team, a group of dedicated therapists and teachers who are very passionate about their work and willing to help people improve the quality of their lives. It’s all about promoting wellbeing, happiness, […]
Something about the smile

They say that summer is over. And I guess they’re right since I found few spiders looking for a nice, quiet spot in my flat. These little creatures remind me of the end of summer every year. And I don’t mind really (the end of summer I mean, not the spiders ;). I like autumn […]
Sri Lanka – the journey that is changing my life

Sri Lanka – the journey that is changing my life The beginning of a year inevitably brings to my mind all the things that happened last year. I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since my teacher training, few weeks spent on looking into myself in a truly magic scenery. When signing up for […]