… I meditate. I am a classic example of Ayurvedic Vata type. For those of you who are not familiar with this terminology, Vata type people are driven by Air element. When this element is well balanced Vata people can be creative, think outside the box, energetic and learn quickly. If however Vata is out of balance, which means too much Air quality, we get easily distracted, you can notice that when I teach and sometimes completely forget what I wanted to say We learn quickly, but we also forget quickly. We are sensitive to changes, our mood can depend on the weather, people around us or even food we eat. We are prone to being nervous, anxious, restless and when overwhelmed with too many tasks, we freeze, close our laptop and do nothing. So regularity for me is key. It doesn’t come naturally to me, I like movement, I like change, but I know that the only way to manage the Air well and wisely is by giving myself enough grounding, regularity and stillness. And this is what meditation does wonderfully for me. I have periods when I skip meditation, I’m by no means perfect in this, but I always do my best to come back on my meditation cushion. And when I do…. goshh… it feels like I’m coming back home, where everything is the way it’s meant to be, my thoughts are taken care of, my emotions and feelings acknowledged, my body loved and my life appreciated. I no longer want to run away.
Now, some of you may recognise similar tendencies, even if you are not necessarily a Vata type, you may be typical Pitta (driven predominantly by Fire element) or Kapha (driven by Earth element). But the thing is that our modern life is ruled by Air and Fire and if we don’t have tools to handle these elements within us, we will feel the consequences, mentaly, emotionally and physically.
Check the timetable for the next Meditation for Beginners Course.